Tag: TuesdayEveningNetworking

  • November 2024- TTR Theme For The Month- No Rest For The Weary!

    November 2024- TTR Theme For The Month- No Rest For The Weary!

    Happy November, 2024! TTR Networking’s theme for November is No Rest for The Weary!  The literal meaning  of No Rest for the Weary is  you must keep on working even though you’re exhausted or tired. We all can agree that by November of any year we are all a bit weary! But this is no…

  • TTR Celebrates Dawn Evans- Casey- Our 50th Interview- 9/22/24- Updated!

    TTR Celebrates Dawn Evans- Casey- Our  50th Interview- 9/22/24- Updated!

    Hello Everyone- I posted this on Saturday but left you some of you hanging when I didn’t provide the video link – I am so sorry! Let’s try this again- Here’s the link- https://youtu.be/SwzB8P7kdTk TTR Networking is so happy to have finally gotten our 50th TTR Celebrates videocast with Dawn Evans Casey- recorded! Dawn Evans-Casey…

  • TTR Celebrates Dawn Evans- Casey- Our 50th Interview- 9/22/24

    TTR Celebrates Dawn Evans- Casey- Our  50th Interview- 9/22/24

    TTR Networking is so happy to have finally gotten our 50th TTR Celebrates videocast with Dawn Evans Casey- recorded! Dawn Evans-Casey , leader of our Collaborating Connections Networking Group as well as the founder of SpaTravel, the nonprofit Claiming Your Roots and the blog, Cheerful Chocolate Spirit! Join us as Dawn shares all that she…