Ready to Make A Splash With Your Marketing?
Let’s Coach You to Success!

Jennifer Johnson is a Silver Certified Promptings Coach and A Success Principals Certified Trainer!!
Why should you care?
Because trainers who are certified at this level have spent countless hours learning the tools and practicing methods to bring greater success to their audiences.
Did you know
- The #1 reason customers do not come back? They forget about you!
- Relationship Marketing will help you grow your business!
- Relationship Marketing is a powerful marketing strategy designed to encourage long lasting strong connections to you and your brand keeping you top of mind with your clients and prospects.
- Creating strong personal customer connections builds loyalty and can reduce your marketing budget as it increases your reputation through word-of-mouth promotion ( referrals ) – the most effective form of promotion out there.
- Building your personal brand with friendship, celebration and service, as well as mastering the bridge between high tech and the personal touch are key to a successful relationship marketing strategy!
But how do you do this?
By implementing an easy to use relationship marketing system and related tools you will differentiate yourself with your clients and create opportunities for additional connections.
The 10 Card Challenge
Heartfelt messages of Appreciation have always been the best way to connect!
Who do you need to thank today?
A note of encouragement, a card of congratulations, a gift of thanks?
We’ve taken the time and effort out of the process and left you with the feel good appreciation energy!
Check The 10 Card Challenge Out Below- 20 cards for $20 and 20 Days To Use Them!
Take your personal thoughts and feelings and put them into words and images which creates appreciation energy.
You act, appreciate and then you attract!
Check The 10 Card Challenge Out Below- 20 cards for $20 and 20 Days To Use Them!
According to Collins English Dictionary, if you make a splash, you attract a lot of attention because of something successful that you do!
Jennifer’s Make A Splash Relationship Coaching mission and message focus on being confident with what makes you unique and the simple steps you can use to grow a solid sphere of connections. You embrace your individuality and you give yourself away!
She works to help individuals, businesses, communities and organizations create a success culture, integrating balance and happiness among individuals, producing amazing results both personally and professionally.
She helps business owners discover their own gold mine of connections, gives them the steps to strengthen those ties and guidance on adding new, meaningful connections to their network.
Setting goals, follow up combined with good old persistence and kindness can make all the difference when scheduled and executed everyday!