TTR Presents – The Why, When and How of Delegating with Lisa Bowers!

TTR Presents - The Why, When and How of Delegating with Lisa Bowers!


March 13, 2025    
7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Event Type

Welcome to **TTR Presents – The Why, When and How of Delegating with Lisa Bowers of Office Allies, LLC- TTR Networking Global Partner!

Join us for an engaging online event where Lisa Bowers will share her insights on the importance of delegation in the workplace.

Learn **why** delegating is crucial for effective leadership, **when** is the right time to delegate tasks, and **how** to delegate effectively to maximize productivity.

Register Here-

Why does my task list grow faster than I can mark things completed? How is it that I was busy all day, but yet can’t seem to get the big items done? How is it already 3pm and I still have so much to do?

If these sounds like you, it might be time to look into delegating some of that task list. But it’s hard sometimes to know what and how to delegate tasks. In this presentation, Lisa Bowers, owner and operator of Office Allies LLC helps you to learn *why* delegating is crucial for effective leadership, *when* is the right time to delegate tasks, and *how* to delegate effectively to maximize productivity.

Lisa has a passion for working with entrepreneurs and small businesses owners. She is putting her 30 years of entrepreneurial and IT experience to work for the Office Allies LLC clients, helping them to eliminate their administrative chaos. She loves to invest in local small businesses and charitable organizations, who are helping to love our community, Veterans and children.

She strives to help everyone in her circle to thrive.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your delegation skills and take your business to the next level.

Mark your calendars for Thu Mar 13 2025 at 7:00 PM EDT,

Register and secure your spot today!

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