TTR Presents- Capture Your Prospects Attention Without Overwhelm with Brynn Cochran- 9.27.21
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Can Cleaning Be Dangerous?
Excerpt of Jenny Mowrer’s Blog from her My Energy ShiftHave you ever noticed how our lives are filled with chemicals? They surround us and it’s sometimes hard to break free of them. Sometimes you don’t realize you are even smelling chemicals… With COVID-19 causing our environments to be super sanitized, the chemical usage has significantly…
Make Your Own Kind Of Music – 3.31.2021
We have a grandson!He was born on this past Saturday afternoon and he and his mother are home and the whole family is doing very well!We get to see them this coming Saturday and we can hardly stand it!Before I became a grandmother, two years ago, I never knew how wonderful being a grandparent could…
Make Your Own Kind Of Music- 2.14.21
I hope you are all having a wonderful Valentine’s Day!It is a beautiful day outside except for the very cold temperatures. My husband, Philip, and I – just like everyone else in Indiana – have gotten our groceries and are preparing for significant snow accumulation later today.As I have been finishing up some response emails…
Make Your Own Kind Of Music – 2.15.21
I hope that you have had a wonderful Monday! Is it snowing where you are?Just a few minutes of distraction-Many years ago I had the opportunity to present a professional TedTalk – type talk. It was quite the experience and I believe I was the only singer presenting.. I stood up and sang part of…
Make Your Own Kind Of Music – 2.21.21
It’s Sunday! I find Sundays to be a great day for me. After taking in our virtual church service, I take minimal time to clean up from the week that has passed and prepare for the week ahead. I want to hit the ground running on Monday mornings. My husband and I schedule a chunk…
9 Home Energy Conservation Tips for the Winter
Use less energy without sacrificing comfortRead expert tips about new, innovative and tried-and-true ways to tame your heating bills—without sacrificing comfort.Stop fireplace heat lossWood-burning fireplaces can warm up a room, but more often, they rob a house of heat by letting it escape up the chimney. If you have a modern fireplace with a cold…
Helpful Tips for Crafting your TTR Bio (:
Use a professional picture that you likeMy oldest daughter took mine (: We tried several places in our home and finally got a decent one! I am not photogenic but we got lucky!Some TTR friends have had a professional photographer take theirs.Ask a friend to stop by your home and snap a pic outside.Include ALL…
*New TTR Bio Feature*
Ever struggle with wanting to make an introduction for a referral of someone? You want to present this person in the best way…but, you are not sure exactly what to say?TTR has added an amazing new feature to our Membership Submission Form!It is called: How would you like us to introduce your business to others?This…
Real Men Wear Pink – Robert Hailey
Why is Robert Hailey from our TTR Networking Group – Carmel Networking Partners – wearing a lot of pink this month?He has joined the American Cancer Society’s Real Men Wear Pink campaign to help save lives from breast cancer. This month he will be wearing pink to show his support and raise awareness and funds…