Has your home gone solar? Great!
Do you know the 5 Top Reasons you need to get your solar panels cleaned 2-3
times a year?
Entrepreneurs, Adam and Anastasia Johnson, decided to start a solar panel
cleaning company after they had solar panels installed on their Greeley,
Colorado home and learned that their solar panels’ warranty was only good if
they were kept clean. They discovered that solar panel cleaning companies were
almost nonexistent, so they decided to start their own!
After much research, certifications and transforming their truck with the
specialized deionized (clean) water equipment, A & A Solar Wash was
A year and a half later, A & A Solar Wash has grown and is getting ready
for a busy 2024 solar panel cleaning season! In addition to multiple Colorado
cities, A & A Solar Wash is available in Indiana under the supervision of
Philip Johnson! A & A Solar Wash is also a Community Partner with TTR
Networking! Check out the video to learn more!
Be sure to reach out to A & A Solar Wash with any questions!